The Greatest Vitamin In The World by Don Lapre Providing A Better Life
Released on = January 8, 2006, 3:14 pm
Press Release Author = The Sky Is The Limit.Org LLC.
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Heart problems, diabetes, stroke to name a few are the top killers in our society and these happen because of lack of vitamins in our bodies due to what we eat or in Don Lapre's term, \"the garbage that we eat\". To protect themselves from these killer diseases people resort to vitamin supplements, but.are we aware how much these supplements actually help you? Researches carried on around the world have revealed that synthetic vitamins that are cheap are not same as the whole vitamins thus instead of helping they cause immense damage.
Press Release Body = Health is Wealth- Millions of us are walking around right now and are so clogged up with so much hardened fat in our artery walls. When we do have a heart attack, it will come so severe and so sudden, and we will never even have a chance to be hospitalized. Same way 50% of all men and 1/3 of all women are projected to get cancer in their lifetime and 800,000 new cases of diabetes are discovered every year and human race can\'t keep itself safe from all these killers unless we make some changes to the way we live. Because of our working schedules, stressful lives, and eating disorders, our body always keeps craving for the wright kind of food which should along with vitamin be enriched in other few other important nutrients in order to give us a healthy life time. As every wise man say, \"if you got a healthy body you got everything\". We all agree that in today\'s fast paced world it is not always possible to keep your diet the way it ideally should be and that is why it becomes our last resort to depend on vitamin supplements. Does it mean any vitamin supplement? We do look for non-synthetic vitamins, however many of us do not succeed. We don\'t know because many of us who rely on vitamin supplements don\'t actually know what we are taking...? Generally, what we get in the market is synthetic vitamins which actually provide only 50% of what is there in whole vitamins (natural vitamins). These synthetic vitamins actually cause immense damage to our bodies. Synthetic form of vitamin c can cause heart diseases by thickening the arterial walls of the heart by as much as 2.5 times. Synthetic form of vitamin a can actually increase the rate of cancer. Synthetic form of vitamin e does what we least expect. It actually sucks the natural vitamins and minerals out of our bones. Just as much vitamins are important for our body, same way our bodies require rite form and amount of calcium, minerals and enzymes, as human race do suffer heavily because of our inadequate intake of these important elements. A solution is \"the greatest vitamin in the world\" introduced by Don Lapre and formulated by Doug Grant found at Stan Cornell says, \"I\'ve been living with a disease called Crohn\'s Disease for 40 years. It\'s a very debilitating disease... The Greatest Vitamin in the World has laid all the pain and all of the disabilities of the disease and put them off into the corner!\" (More testimonials on ).
Visit for more information that surely will be an eye opener, let\'s together dream for a healthy and prosperous world and please remember don\'t forget to take your vitamins.
For More Information Contact:
Roy Shepherd, director of The Sky Is The Limit.Org LLC. 504-828-1427
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Contact Details = Roy Shepherd||1934 Eagle St.||New Orleans , 70118||$$country||||504-828-1427||||
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